Swap the paper shuffle for jmc’s New Family Enrollment portal

March 13, 2025

Take the frustration out of registration 

How would you describe your district office during enrollment season? If it’s anything other than calm, cool, and collected, you could use our New Family Enrollment portal to automate the arduous process of registration collection, review, and acceptance, while personalizing the experience for families who are new to your district for a solid first impression. 

Let’s take a peek at how jmc’s platform can streamline registration for your office staff and parents/guardians alike.

Our New Family Enrollment portal saves everyone time by enabling: 

1) Guided registration 

No back-and-forth trips to the district office here. Instead, families submit enrollment information online through guided registration, accessible 24/7 from the convenience of their home, workplace, wherever they have access to the internet. All essential information is captured electronically, from bussing and special education needs to emergency contacts. 

2) Consolidated data entry 

jmc’s electronic enrollment portal saves families who are registering multiple children in your district from redundant data entry. Instead of having to provide information that all siblings share for each of their children, like parent/guardian contact details and emergency contacts, new families only have to enter that information one time throughout the application. 

3) Automated review alerts 

Once the parent/guardian submits their application, your office is automatically notified that it’s ready for review. In just a few clicks, staff can accept or reject the new family contact and student info from within jmc Office, your district’s command center for all things admin. Cool fact: jmc automatically lists the families in order that their submissions were received to honor first-come-first-served status. 

jmc’s registration platform improves data accuracy through:

1) Automated record creation 

Admins can lean on the portal to ensure vital info from medical to 504 Plan needs is gathered so that proper support can be provided. Upon acceptance of an application, the portal populates accurate contact and student records in jmc Office while avoiding the duplication of any pre-existing ones, saving staff from hours of manual data entry and possible errors.

2) Automated family account creation  

New Family Enrollment is one of the only registration platforms to trigger a family account once an application is accepted, from which the parent/guardian can gain a 360-degree view of their child’s school life, strengthening communication and student support. Acceptance also triggers an email detailing access to their jmc Family account, so that they can check-in on their child’s performance and more from day one. 

3) Thorough review before submission 

Before families submit their application, they are prompted to double-check all of the info they provided to make sure it’s correct — and can edit as needed. Doing so ensures accurate, up-to-date student records, an essential when it comes to notifying contacts in the case of an emergency. This review step also saves your staff from the hassle of having to go in and fix any incorrect info. 

New Family Enrollment ensures the best first impression by providing:

1) A personalized experience 

Your office pros can delight new families with streamlined and personalized online registration, starting with a custom welcome message and checklist of what will be asked of them to complete the application, plus instructions, a submission message, and an acceptance email. Parents/guardians even have the option to add contacts from separate households, ensuring the safety of their child(ren) in any situation.

2) Clear next steps

With the New Family Enrollment portal by your side, you can avoid putting families in enrollment limbo. As soon as they submit their application, they’re greeted by a message outlining next steps in the application process. Office staff can also customize responses for accepted and rejected applications with guidance and support for moving forward, fostering transparency and trust between families and your district. 

3) The foundation for a positive relationship 

Beyond contact details, emergency contacts, and other essentials, the portal also includes a field where parents/guardians can add in additional info about their child(ren), to help your office gain a better understanding of their needs. Giving staff this vital info upfront fosters a strong connection between your district and new families, so that they feel valued and supported from the get-go. 

Complimentary customer care included

jmc’s New Family Enrollment comes backed by free onboarding, training, and tech support for all users for life. All the more reason to book your 1:1 demo with a jmc rep today